Steek Guru Granth Sahib Ji
As per the ardaas done by Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji, much effort is being put in by Bhagat Ji and other sevadars to complete a Steek of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj. This Steek is meant to publicize the Sampardai (traditional) meanings of Bani as passed down in the Taksal. It will also bring to light numerous novel interpretations that Bhagat Ji has penned from their own experiences and extensive research into Sikhi. A guiding inspiration for this Steek is to make it understandable by the general public. It records numerous easy-to-understand meanings that have been overlooked in current circulating Steeks. As Gurbani is not confined to any grammatical rules, it focuses on translating Gurbani through the lens of Gurbani and Sikh History itself. The Sangat will also note that Bhagat Ji’s penmanship works wonders in developing inner love and devotion to Sikhi. Abiding by our mission to make this Steek understandable and accessible by all, it will then be translated into English and included into the databases used on the app and website.